Iran denies wanting to "wipe Israel off the map"
I came accross this piece of news today from Reuters:
Also Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian Foreign Minister, added a comment about Holocaust:
Iran's foreign minister denied on Monday that Tehran wanted to see Israel "wiped off the map," "Nobody can remove a country from the map. This is a misunderstanding in Europe of what our president mentioned".
Also Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian Foreign Minister, added a comment about Holocaust:
"Our friends in Europe stress that such a crime has taken place and they have stated certain figures that were actually suffered. We have no argument about that, but what we are saying here is to put right such a horrific event, why should the Muslims pay a price?"
Denying Holocaust is denying the most notorious crime that has ever happened in last century to the human being. It is a big sorrow to see someone calles such an act a myth.
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